Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cup of tea

In trying to integrate daily meditation into my routine, I've realized that it's not so much about good intention, as it is about figuring out what works.  I can *intend* to do it sometimes between when I wake up and leave for work, or even sometime between when I wake up and go to bed, but in the endless list of mundane things "to do", it is not likely.  So what works?  For now at least, I need routine.  And just after waking up seems the best way to make it a priority.  So I'm now allowing myself a cup of tea and the time it takes to write down my dreams upon waking, but no computer or other distractions until later.

I meditated for 15 minutes, which I was surprised to find that it was not nearly as long as I'd have liked even though I'm out of practice.  Going to try for 25-30 minutes a day.

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