Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dream on the Full Moon of the Lenaia

Dreamed that my husband and I had just had a baby.  It was an infant girl, who didn't cry and who smiled every time I looked at her.  Her face (and the whole dream) were very vivid, and in the dream I breast-fed her twice, once from each breast.  The baby had come as a surprise - we didn't know we were going to have her until 2 weeks beforehand. (There was no memory of her actual birth in my dream, she was just there.)  My parents were there, and there was still a touch of a sense of conflict between the two of them that has dominated my dreams for the last week or two. (Even though in real life they divorced years ago.)  I was aware that we hadn't named the baby, and if anyone asked, I was going to tell them "I am going to get to know her before I name her."  But a name popped into my head, "Vintnelle", and I remember typing it into a computer to see what it meant (which is probably the only reason I remember the strange name, I remember seeing it typed on the screen exactly.) The first part of the name seemed Dionysian, and I briefly pondered looking for other Dionysian names, although it didn't seem immediately important.  The dream got stranger... I put the baby on a wooden frame/thin shadowbox and covered her with glass.  I turned the frame to someone else in the room to show them, we were all smiling.  As soon as I turned the frame/shadowbox away from me, the baby disappeared and it was as if I was showing someone a piece of art...  This all seemed very natural.
I didn't think too much of this dream at first, besides noting its strange clarity, but it stayed with me.  And after reading Dver's blog on festivals, and the subsequent article linked where she mentions using a liknon during the Lenaia, I went back and wrote the dream down.  And now, all the symbolism that I can see is kind of blowing my mind.

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