Dionysos Agrios (The Wild One)
My Notes: It seems that agrios can refer to wild as it pertains to nature, as in untamed or undomesticated, as well as “raging”.
There was a festival called the Agrionia (or a variation of), the most precise summary I’ve found of it is here. Here, again, as seen with Dionysos Melanaigis and in many other of his myths, is the theme of people suffering his wrath after they have denied or explicitly offended him.
Tarot Card Drawn: 7 of Cups
There is an overabundance of cups is this card, filled with different symbols, appearing to overwhelm the figure beholding them. Traditionally, this is the card of fantasy and daydreams. There are warnings about losing oneself in unrealistic or scattered fantasies or escapism in drugs or alcohol. This is a card about creativity run wild. But since the cups (and creativity) are foremost about emotions, I can see this also as emotions run wild. The power of this state is in its energy and potential. Not everything in this card is hallucination, at least one of the symbols (cloaked figure) seem to refer to one’s higher self, and another (the snake), to one’s earthly connection.
This epithet was a little more difficult. And I’m still pondering the sporadic details available about the Agrionia. But can one wrap one’s head around wildness anyway?
Coincidentally, 7 cups of wine is probably my limit, if I don’t want to wake up naked in the wild somewhere.
My Notes: It seems that agrios can refer to wild as it pertains to nature, as in untamed or undomesticated, as well as “raging”.
There was a festival called the Agrionia (or a variation of), the most precise summary I’ve found of it is here. Here, again, as seen with Dionysos Melanaigis and in many other of his myths, is the theme of people suffering his wrath after they have denied or explicitly offended him.
Tarot Card Drawn: 7 of Cups
There is an overabundance of cups is this card, filled with different symbols, appearing to overwhelm the figure beholding them. Traditionally, this is the card of fantasy and daydreams. There are warnings about losing oneself in unrealistic or scattered fantasies or escapism in drugs or alcohol. This is a card about creativity run wild. But since the cups (and creativity) are foremost about emotions, I can see this also as emotions run wild. The power of this state is in its energy and potential. Not everything in this card is hallucination, at least one of the symbols (cloaked figure) seem to refer to one’s higher self, and another (the snake), to one’s earthly connection.
This epithet was a little more difficult. And I’m still pondering the sporadic details available about the Agrionia. But can one wrap one’s head around wildness anyway?
Coincidentally, 7 cups of wine is probably my limit, if I don’t want to wake up naked in the wild somewhere.
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